Wednesday 15 April 2020

Saw 2004 ‧ Horror/Thriller ‧ 1h 43m ( Movie)

    Lol, I'm a huge fan of Horror movies. I wasn't always a fan but then a friend of mine showed me a horror movie one day and yes I can say I held on tight and screamed yelled and jumped the whole time. I started to sweat in places I didn't know I could. after that I started to watch all types of horror movies. this one was one of the first, I couldn't believe this guy cut off his own foot! Fight or flight right haha I shouldn't laugh but it's the truth I learned to love movies like this because of my friend it made me think of situations and what I would do, I would have cut my foot off too in order to survive.

Flipped 2010 ‧ Romance/Rom-com ‧ 1h 30m ( Movie)

    This movie is such a cute movie. If you didn't believe in childhood love this would be such a great movie to watch. Sometimes your childhood crush becomes the love of your life or your biggest loss. We all know that girls develop faster than boys but the way that this movie shows it is so cute, sad, and heartbreaking but yet the joy in it is crazy!

Guns Akimbo 2019 ‧ Action/Comedy ‧ 1h 35m ( Movie)

    Lmao this movie at first I kind of thought it was like Gamer but then again I realize it was completely different. This little hacker got stuck in a jam that he could not get himself out of which was really funny. I love it. This guy had guns drilled into his hands and hand no choice but to try to survive which I know shouldn't seem funny but his cyberbullying got him into that situation, lol. This was a pretty entertaining movie overall but how it ended was a little stupid but it was a good movie.

Money Heist 2017 ‧ Drama ‧ 2 seasons

    This series is epic. The way that the professor is so smart and knows how to control and see 5 to 10 steps ahead is amazing I'm absolutely loving it. The way that the writers had a sense of control and created each character was completely inspiring due to the fact with a crew of that many they will have different personality traits and traits. This was really well thought out and I can't wait to find out the outcome of what happens next, I also love how the directors and writers left each season with a teaser where they left us hanging on so we are wanting to watch more just to see what happens next. This show I will for sure keep following upon.

Impulse 2018 ‧ Drama ‧ 1 season

    This show was off the hook!!! I loved it I'm hoping for more season this show was like bad hero's that didn't know they were heroes yet. It was like she was learning her powers but she really was and no one really knew what to do. Not even her she was scared and she had no idea what her body was doing and I feel that would be like any one of us.

Tuesday 14 April 2020

The Hate You Give 2018 ‧ Drama/Crime ‧ 2h 13m ( Movie)

    Where to start with this one... Well for starters then my daughter suggested that I watch this movie, I was surprised, to be honest, that she watched it and told me to watch it. This movie had a very deep meaning to it. I enjoyed it, Starr fought for her friend that couldn't fight for himself. She stood strong when she stood up and told the truth about what happened. It's really a hurtful, sad and disappointing thing that racism styll exists. It's 2020 the world around us has changed so much from the past I just don't understand why people can't leave things in the past or raise our children without discrimination, racism, prejudice just simply without judgment. As my daughter once said everyone has blood, bones, and breath like us they just might live differently, but they are styll people too. This movie was a great movie if you want to sit and think for a while.

Thursday 9 April 2020

In The Tall Grass 2019 ‧ Horror/Drama ‧ 1h 30m ( Movie)

    This movie is BIZARRE! This movie was all over the place it barely made sense, well at least to me. I'm not sure if any of you have seen this movie and if it made sense to you please further explain it please, because it didn't make sense to me. I was completely lost and upset because I couldn't understand it, what made it worse was the fact that they were arguing about things that they shouldn't be arguing about at that moment in time. The whole he's "in love" with his sister thing gross! Overall I think this movie was overrated, there was to much hype on Netflix over a movie that had no purpose or sense to it. But then again that is just my personal opinion. I would love to hear what you think.

Wednesday 8 April 2020

The Purge 2013 ‧ Horror/Thriller ‧ 1h 25m ( Movie)

    The Purge is a film series, I really enjoyed the 2013 Purge film. I liked the suspense, I like the fact that the little boy was an idiot who put his entire life in danger for a stranger. Understanding what happens once a year you would want to stay safe and keep your family safe. Oh and don't get me started with the daughter she keeps running off because she can't get her emotions in check in such a high-stress situation, but she did pull a badass move at the end. Overall I really enjoyed this movie.

Monday 6 April 2020

Meet The Millers 2013 ‧ Comedy/Crime ‧ 1h 58m ( Movie)

    This movie was awesome! It was completely full of humor twists and turns. The writers of this film had a vision and filled it to the fullest. The creation of the fake family the humor of the fact that none of them really liked each other but then they all actually loved each other was so priceless. This movie was well filmed and well thought of, I enjoyed this movie for sure.

Life Of The Party 2018 ‧ Comedy ‧ 1h 47m ( Movie)

    Okay, this film hm. I'm a huge Melissa McCarthy fan but this movie I feel like she didn't live up to what she normally does. Her movies are always so funny full of everything to the fullest extent but this one I lost interest, I was bored it wasn't her normal. Ask me about most of her stuff and I can fill you in, I first fell in love with her from Gilmore Girls, but this movie just didn't do it for me. I feel that the writers and everyone just tried too hard. It could have been better but it just wasn't.