Monday 28 June 2021

Mama 2013 ‧ Horror/Thriller ‧ 1h 40m (Movie)


    I have no idea what it is about this movie, this movie always gets me. I haven't watched this movie a crazy amounts of times but this movie always has me holding my breathe, jumping, on the end of my seat the entire time. Especially how both children ended up so different. I understand why Lily wouldn't be so attached to a world full of people, but what is going on with Victoria? I mean you can tell she is so happy and relieved to be among others back in society to a certain extent, but at the same time mama is all she has known for 5 years. Victoria wants to protect her uncle and Annabelle which is crazy but at the same time she doesn't want to hurt mama. This movie is so deep and yet so scary at the same time. It just might have me feeling more scared because there's kids involved, but at the same time super natural beings always gets me on the edge. Maybe the fact of not understanding something like that is what is so scary to me, but this whole movie is intense.

Where you can watch it: Crave Starz, Starz
Metacritic Rating: 57%
Rotten Tomatoes Rating: 63%
IMDb Rating: 6.2/10
Google Rating: 75%

Some of the cast members

Jessica Chastain { Annabel} IG: @jessicachastain Twitter: @jes_chastain TikTok: @jes_chastain

Nikolaj Coster-Waldau { Lucas/Jeffrey} IG: @nikolajwilliamCW Twitter: @nikolajcw

Megan Charpentier {Victoria} Twitter: @meganLCharp

Javier Botet {Mama} IG: @jbotet Twitter: @jbotet

Isabelle Nelisse {Lily} IG: @isabelle_nelisse Twitter: @IsaNelisse

Many more great actors and actress contributed to this epic movie



So I received this badge and I don't know if I should be proud of this badge or strongly concerned lol #justsaying

Sunday 6 June 2021

Hitch 2005 ‧ Romance/Rom-com ‧ 1h 58m (Movie)


This movie will always make me laugh. No matter how many times I have watched it I always end up laughing. Albert is one silly man, and he is most definitely clumpy, shy, and very timid that is for sure. Hitch didn't change much from college, he thinks he had he has the confidence but when it came to having sincere and true feelings for a woman he became that over chatty unsure of himself all over again. I get the concept of this movie, it is true some woman are very much so unapproachable to the point it would make men insecure shy and timid. But as much as it goes for woman, it goes the same for men. I mean come on look at Casey and Vance. Yeah Vance was a pig and Casey knew better but she tried anyway and that didn't turn out so great. This movie was very interesting and funny all in one. I very much so enjoy watching it every time. 

Where Can You Watch It: Netflix, Crave Starz, Starz
Metacritic Rating: 59%
Rotten Tomatoes Rating: 69%
IMDb Rating: 6.6/10
Google Rating: 89%

Some Members of the Cast

Will Smith { Alex "Hitch"} IG: @willsmith
Eva Mendes { Sara Melas} IG: @evamendes Twitter: @evamendes
Amber Valletta { Allegra Cole} IG: @ambervalletta Twitter: @ambervalletta
Kevin James { Albert Brennaman} IG: @kevinjamesofficial Twitter: @KevinJames

Many more talented actors and actress

Saturday 5 June 2021



If Cinderella's shoe was made specially for her and her feet alone, how the HELL did it fall off? Am I crazy but this is a serious thought.
Let me know what you think.

Friday 4 June 2021

Cam 2018 ‧ Horror/Mystery ‧ 1h 35m (Movie)

    Okay this movie was crazy. I could most definitely understand why someone would like to get into that profession, I mean come on look at how much money that girl was making! But then again as one of the people said your online, your on the internet. All these random people are watching you and all you know about them is there username that is creepy. I understand why her brother got mad at his party and all but he knew what she did for a living so he can't really get that mad can he? Also she moved into such a nice house and left her moms house, why not move your whole family in your nice new home? I don't understand how she got home from the house she went to... that was slightly confusing at first I assumed she had passed out at her friend Fox's house, I think that wasn't to clear. But the mysterious person that took her channel WOW I would have freaked out too. I also understand her anger with the 24 hour tech support, I get into arguments with companies like that all the time, but never over identity thief thank God for that! I could see how people thought she was losing her mind because she wasn't really explaining herself properly, and clearly her so called friends aren't really her friends. So I think Alice needs to review the type of people she is hanging out with.
 Over all I really liked this movie, it kept me wondering and full of suspense. 

Where Can You Watch: Netflix

Metacritic Rating: 71%

Rotten Tomatoes Rating: 93%

IMDb Rating: 5.9/10

Google Rating: 64% Liked

Some of the Cast

Madeline Brewer { Alice, Lola} IG: @madbrew Twitter: @madkbrew 
Samantha Robinson {Princess X} IG: @msrobinsun Twitter: @msrobinsun
Devin Druid { Jordan} IG: @devindruid Twitter: @ DevinDruid
Patch Darragh {Tinker} IG:@patchdarragh Twitter: @PatchDarragh
Jessica Parker Kennedy (Katie}Twitter: @JParkerK
Fiona Diaz {Fox}IG: @floradiaznyc Twitter: @CaroFloraDiaz

Many more Great Actors and Actress