Wednesday 14 October 2020

The Haunting of Hill House 2018 ‧ Horror ‧ 1 seasons ( Ended)

    Why oh Why does it always have to be a big creepy Red door? Mind you this house is very big and very nice, but yes yet again with a little bit too much creeps for me. Once again the adult is too caught up to really notice what is going on. I understand tragedy and all but come on you got kids, dude, you don't see that they are acting different and weird? you gotta pay attention to the kids, and the whole silhouette thing goosebumps. I much rather stick to a small house where I know what's going on at all times, this big stuff man seeing things jeeze its creepy. I would have gotten out of there a hella quick too. I don't know this show was good, and creepy. You have to be your own judge on this one, I liked it and all but I think it could have been better.

The Haunting of Bly Manor 2020 ‧ Drama ‧ 1 season (Ended)


    Yup Yup Yup this show gave me the creeps. Not only does it seem like there is something seriously wrong with these kids in it, the adults too. The uncle seems to care less about his niece and nephew, but yet they had some decent care in a big creepy ass house. Then the whole little girl thing why wouldn't the nanny just take the little shyt to the doctors or have the doctor come?? Hello wheres social services aka children's aid when you need them? Those kids were pretty much always alone but yet not alone. All the property and you can't ensure to keep tabs on the kids? Oh and don't get me started with the creepy looking dollhouse and how the little girl got upset when the nanny touched it come on RED FLAG just staying. I would have left those kids super fast, and that house for that matter like having the one wing of the house all covered up and no one is allowed in that area? Please... and what makes it even worse is the kids kinda know what is going on, a heads up would have been nice. But the nanny did do a solid that's for sure. Yea I would watch this again.

Truth or Dare 2017 Horror Thriller ( Movie)

    Oh man, this movie had me going. At first, I was hoping that Jessie would be first to go, but how she met her maker was sooo gross, I was itching all over lol. Personally, I think doctor dude aka Tyler, and Addison had the best ending it was at least quick. I felt bad for the chubby guy, he told his truth because he knew what was gunna happen to him. I could barely look at the screen when it came to Maddie and Alex they had hoped it was all done and over hahaha they were wrong. Oh yeah, and sports dude had it easy too I guess. Meh overall pretty intense, suspenseful and, decent horror thriller movie.

Charmed 2018 ‧ Drama ‧ 2 season ( Styll Going)

     I really liked the first season a lot, the second season was a little bit all over the place for me. I liked how the first season you got to know them to watch them begin to use their powers, but in season 2 they don't have powers which is kinda lame, considering this is a show about witches just saying. Then all the other mysterious creatures in season 2, okay I get the whole demons, but the other creatures wouldn't they have learned about them in season 1. I'm not really too sure how I feel about this show anymore, the second season just has me a little doubtful about continuing to watch this series.

Tuesday 13 October 2020

The Society 2019 ‧ Mystery ‧ 1 season (Ended)


    This show took me forever to finish. I mean I enjoyed most of it but it was really really slow. Campbell is a nut job clearly. Allie was doing a good job but Campbell had to screw everything up. Also, how are they gunna have just 1 season? Did they make it back home? Did a riot break out? They just cut the series like they are doing so many shows. Just so many questions left unanswered. Did Sam come out? Jeeze there's just to many questions we will leave it at that.

The Enemy Within 2019 ‧ Drama ‧ 1 season ( Ended)


    This show really peeked my attention that's for sure. It wasn't your typical cop show. I mean they were getting help from someone they arrested and charged with treason, but at the same time, I think any human would do what she did to protect her daughter. I liked how she was trying to tell and convince them the whole time that she was just looking for a way to show that it wasn't that she didn't care about her country she did it to protect her family. Keep in mind plus she is really smart so if she wanted to really run and escape I'm pretty sure she could have done that hands down no problem because she was apart of that FBI CIA life she knows things that let's just say Joe that robbed a bank next door doesn't know. I was really liking this show they could have come up with more seasons but they decided not to, wonder why? But yeah this show was good, intense, and full of suspense.

Defending Jacob 2020 ‧ Crime ‧ 1 season ( Ended)

     This 1 season show where to begin? First I felt like it started off really strong and intense, it had me questioning every step of the way, to the very end, then they just end it without answering questions. I mean come on we all at least think that Jacob may be guilty but who the hell knows? I understand grandpa "tried" helping but then it brings up the question of who really did it. It was confusing the way damn time. Also mommy "what do I tell him?" b*tch you tell him that you just tried to kill both your asses, she's talking about she doesn't remember whatever woman, you're convinced your son is guilty. This whole show was just a trip of questions with no answers then blop you end it. SMFH is this where show biz is taking us with a great show with no follow-through ending? I mean we watch stuff so we don't leave things to the imagination but that's all you do to us now. I just wished that they could have cleared things up a little more for us, just saying...

Proven Innocent 2019 ‧ Legal drama ‧ 1 season ( Ended)


    I was really getting into this show before they just ended it. I liked how passionate this group of 4 are. The justice system does have a lot of errors and I like how this show can inspire people to fight for those that are assumed guilty because of their lifestyle or because the system doesn't actually put in the time or work to find the truth. A lot of innocent people do fall through the cracks in the justice system and what better way to help those than someone that went through it themselves. For 10 years she was innocent and sat behind bars before someone actually listened to her, she got out and is trying to make a difference for others. I'm just disappointed that they ended such an inspiring TV series. I was really beginning to enjoy the cases that they were taking on, I like the fact that her small firm had a PODcast so that people could tune in and find out about cases she was working on. Just sad they decided to only do 1 season.

Hubie Halloween 2020 ‧ 1h 42m Comedy ( Movie)


    This movie was so stupid it was a slight disappointment. I mean yeah Adam Sandler makes a lot of stupid movies but at least they are usually funny. This one had a couple of funny parts but it just seemed to me like he was trying way too hard. I think that the storyline was alright I guess but personally, I think that they could have put a lot more effort and thought into the storyline or at least made some actually good jokes, instead of whatever the hell you wanna call what the "jokes" were. I mean I'm not an expert or anything but Adam Sandler's previous movies are a lot better than what this one was. To be honest save the 1H 42M of your life and find something else to watch.

Get Even 2020 ‧ Thriller ‧ 1 season (Styll Going)

     I actually found this show to be pretty entertaining. I mean it's a total high school show, interesting in the aspect of rich kids and drama. I felt like it was the person that got charged at the end of season 1 just for the fact that every nerdy bullied kid has that one friend that will stand up for them, his just so happened to take things a little further than he should have. Olivia should not be friends with Amber, mean come on she's supposed to be your best friend and she throws in your face everything kind she has done for her, not only did she say it she said it in front of half the school. I think my favourite character is probably Bree and Margot, I like Bree for her simple meh whatever behaviour, Margot I like the fact that she's not only really smart she likes to be alone she doesn't beg to fit in I like that about both those girls. Kitty, she's the sporty one, wow this show is like a show version of spice girls hahaha. Overall I did indeed enjoy it, can't wait to see what happens in season 2.