Tuesday 13 October 2020

Get Even 2020 ‧ Thriller ‧ 1 season (Styll Going)

     I actually found this show to be pretty entertaining. I mean it's a total high school show, interesting in the aspect of rich kids and drama. I felt like it was the person that got charged at the end of season 1 just for the fact that every nerdy bullied kid has that one friend that will stand up for them, his just so happened to take things a little further than he should have. Olivia should not be friends with Amber, mean come on she's supposed to be your best friend and she throws in your face everything kind she has done for her, not only did she say it she said it in front of half the school. I think my favourite character is probably Bree and Margot, I like Bree for her simple meh whatever behaviour, Margot I like the fact that she's not only really smart she likes to be alone she doesn't beg to fit in I like that about both those girls. Kitty, she's the sporty one, wow this show is like a show version of spice girls hahaha. Overall I did indeed enjoy it, can't wait to see what happens in season 2.

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