Monday 22 February 2021

Matthew McConaughey American Actor


    Okay, can we all agree to him being a beach hottie lol? In most of the movies I have seen him in he's in the water. Another observation is he's in a lot of movies with Kate Hudson, great chemistry on screen I do wonder if they hang out off-screen too. Matthew was born November 4 1969 and I must say he looks good for his age, but then again having money must be nice you have less stress in your life. He's been married since 2012 and has 3 kids. Movies I have enjoyed from him are how to lose a guy in 10 days, fools gold, wolf on wall street, lincoln lawyer, and another movie that a lot of people have not seen Sahara among many many more. He's a great actor. He has been in a lot of great films.

Saturday 20 February 2021

Ex Machina 2014 ‧ Sci-fi/Thriller ‧ 1h 48m ((Movie)


    This movie is simple. I was never a big fan of Sci-fi. I had a friend once that pretty much made me watch the Star Treks so I did, I was more intrigued than. He introduced me to this particular movie. Once I had seen this movie it changed my mind on so many levels, I started to think if they could make a movie about this then maybe just maybe it's true. What if robots and A. I truly exist...

Power Book II: Ghost 2020 ‧ Crime ‧ 1 season (Styll going)


     I was not expecting anything like this in this series like I did have a general idea but definitely not to this extent. I knew Tariq was a thinker, smart, calculated, but most of all if he has to protect himself or his family that is not an issue. I think his mother realized this in this first season. It's one thing watching and seeing your child grow up, but a completely different feeling when you see that child you carried, watched take their first steps and grow become someone that you had no idea that would have been the outcome. But they do claim children become a product of their environment and surroundings. Is that true? or is it who they encounter along the way?

Thursday 18 February 2021

Isla Fisher Australian actress

    Okay, I found her so funny in  Confessions of a Shopaholic,  oh don't forget Tag lol she is a great actress. It's amazing that she lost her accent when she became an actress. I really like her she is feisty and she knows what she wants. I can't believe she is 45 years. I found her really funny in the bachelorette. Everything that I've seen her in she has always been a fresh breath of air so speak. She has a sparkling personality.

Friday 12 February 2021

Cameron Diaz American Actress


    For starters, I would absolutely love to party with her. She seems so spunky and down to earth. Let's go with the flow girl. In all the movies, I have seen her in she most definitely shines bright like a diamond. Cameron Diaz was born on August 30th, 1972, which I must say she does not look her age at all. She's a model, producer, author and we all know an actress. She mainly appears in comedies, which we all know that she is really good at. I'm not too sure why we don't know much about her personal life we do know she has been married since 2015 and she does have 1 child but other than that she keeps her personal life pretty quiet which is a good thing I guess. But when she is on camera she does bring on the thunder I will give her that. I hope to see her in more films like what happens in vegas, the other woman, and the bad teacher because those movies had me laughing beyond control.

Nicholas Sparks

    Nicholas Sparks is a known novelist, screenwriter, and producer. From what I have noticed a lot of the movies that he wrote and produced are very touching, sensitive, and heartwarming films. Most of his movies yes I won't like I have cried and they make me gasp for air. I haven't gotten around to reading any of the 46 books that he has written, but it is something that I most certainly have to look into. Out of the 13 movies he has done I have watched 10 of them, and each one made me cry. You can feel the passion and love in each character, you can feel the depth of the movie. Overall I feel that Nicholas Sparks is a great writer you can feel how he cares about the characters and the passion for the storyline. I can't wait to see what else he is capable of.

The Fosters 2013 ‧ Drama ‧ 5 seasons ( Ended)


    This show was intriguing to me, a lot of you may not know that I grew up in the foster system. As Callie Jacob (Maia Mitchell) claimed she and her younger brother Jude (Hayden Byerly) wanted a place to call home. I understood what they meant by that growing up. But what the system doesn't show kids is the reality of it. One of my foster homes I grew up in for almost 10 years was amazing, they even offered to adopt me. But where the system failed me is they didn't explain anything to me, which you see a lot in this show. Callie and Jude were so lucky to encounter a family willing to fight for them, explain everything to them, they didn't shut them out or tell them that they wouldn't be able to understand. One of my regrets in this life is not letting the family that I lived with for so long adopt me maybe if I had it explained to me or a better understanding at that time in my life I might have made a different decision in this life. But one thing I do know for sure is that anyone that encounters them is surely blessed they are kind loving people who just want the best. But this show kind of hit close to home for me. It did make me think a lot, I do feel that Callie and Brandon did make the right decision by not seeing each other because that made them so much closer. I also realized that the more Callie tried to help people the more trouble she got into just because of her past. People are so quick to judge without knowing or having a better understanding of what they are going through or what they have been through, which is something society needs to change. People need to start looking at people as human beings where yes we are flawed and yes we make mistakes but we are all trying to survive in a world full of hate, lust, anger, and envy. But the biggest mistake that we all make is knowing that we all are also meant to love and show kindness, compassion and be there for those who can't be there for themselves. I mean we can't always be strong all the time and that's what Callie showed us she was there for her friends and family when they were weak. Mariana was there for Jesus was after his accident and reassured him that everything was going to be okay, even helped him graduate. The world just needs to start building each other up and not tearing them down.

Forrest Gump 1994 ‧ Drama/Romance ‧ 2h 22m ( Movie)

     Life is like a box of chocolates you never know what your gonna get. This movie is so inspiring, emotional, sad, full of love and hope. You experience so many emotions watching this movie. Forrest had so much love to give, not just for Jenny but with his friends as well. Forrest didn't let anything hold him back, he fought for everything in his life, he asked questions when he didn't understand not only that he watched. 

Blindside 2009 ‧ Sport/Drama ‧ 2h 9m (Movie)


    Crazy that this movie was based on a true story. When I first watched this movie I was in shock. This family took in this kid that they knew nothing about and loved and cared for him as if he were their own. The struggle he faced at school not only the fact he looked different but he wasn't as educated as the rest of the kids but he fought to get there. Also, the fact that he didn't really want to be in such a contact sport and when the mom broke it down to him and told him to protect his family I thought that was so special, protective instincts. 

Thursday 11 February 2021

Pay It Forward 2000 ‧ Drama/Romance ‧ 2h 3m ( Movie)

     I have watched this movie so many times and for some reason, I always cry. This movie is so touching, for such a little kid to have such a good and pure heart where his intentions are nothing but pure. It really makes you wonder about people and what they want.  I mean come on for a kid his age to come up with an idea like this for his social studies project is impressive, and he tried to put it into play, simply mind-blowing. I wish that people in this world would pay it forward, I personally think the world would be a better place. I loved how is teacher was able to learn how to put his walls down and let someone in. The movie is great.

Monday 8 February 2021

Shay Mitchell Canadian Actress


    Okay first off Big Up to Canada lol. Yes, Shannon Ashley Garcia Mitchell is a Canadian actress. I first was interested in her acting skills when she did pretty little bitches, I mean pretty little liars lol. Then I saw her in Mother's day and You, but what really made me interested was The Possession of Hannah Grace. I started to follow her on YouTube and really this woman has a lot of spunk to her. She seems outgoing and friendly and most of all down to earth. I know she grew up in Mississauga that's why I said the big shout-out to Canada lol. She was born April 10, 1987, she's not much older than me. I must add her partner is sexy AF lol. I really enjoy watching her on YouTube and her shows and movies I can't wait to see where her career goes, she's talented and she hasn't let being famous go to her head which i really like even more.

Saturday 6 February 2021

Rebel Wilson Australian Actress

     Rebel Wilson is one powerful, strong, and self-confident actress. I know I'm pretty much a nobody in her eyes so what does she really care about my opinion of her. She is so much more than just an actress she is a writer which I learned not too long ago. But I do know she produced The hustle which is a most definitely must-see movie, alongside with isn't it Romantic, Pain and Gain, What to expect when expecting, and Bridesmaids. I've seen all the Pitch Perfects which would have not been the same without her that's for sure. Even how to be single. She sings and is such a talented person it blows my mind. It seems like she embraces all parts of her personality. I would love to go have a fun night out with her. She seems so down to earth, funny and outgoing with all the movies I have seen her in and I love it. I can't wait to see where she will go in this career path she is on but it sure is entertaining. But curious though is it just be that noticed that she is in a lot of movies with Adam DeVine or is that just me?? The two of them together at any type of gather would be entertaining, or even them as a couple. But on-screen they have so much chemistry so I just wonder. Oh, and for her to be the age what it is DAAMN girl you looking Frosty flakes GREATTT! Rebel Wilson was born March 2, 1980, in Sydney Australia.

Wednesday 3 February 2021

Keiko Agena American Actresss


    Okay, let's talk about Keiko Agena. I personally feel she is a great actress, she plays her roll as expected. I've seen her in so many shows that it shocks me. But one show I will always love her in is Gilmore Girls, Rock on. She plays the examiner in Prodigal Son, Labor pains was funny.. House OMG that was a great show as well. But where I first fell in love was the rebellious teenager that just wanted to rock and roll. Keiko is 47 years old, she was born October 33 1973, she and her spouse were married in 2005 they got married in a helicopter over Las Vegas. She was born in Hawaii cool right. She went to school to become a drama major. Keiko won awards and was nominated for 4, which clearly shows she has skills. I'm sure you can find a lot of this information on the internet, one thing I can say about her is she was born to act. But hey check her out google her name and find out what she's in and let me know what you think about her as an actress.