Wednesday 3 February 2021

Keiko Agena American Actresss


    Okay, let's talk about Keiko Agena. I personally feel she is a great actress, she plays her roll as expected. I've seen her in so many shows that it shocks me. But one show I will always love her in is Gilmore Girls, Rock on. She plays the examiner in Prodigal Son, Labor pains was funny.. House OMG that was a great show as well. But where I first fell in love was the rebellious teenager that just wanted to rock and roll. Keiko is 47 years old, she was born October 33 1973, she and her spouse were married in 2005 they got married in a helicopter over Las Vegas. She was born in Hawaii cool right. She went to school to become a drama major. Keiko won awards and was nominated for 4, which clearly shows she has skills. I'm sure you can find a lot of this information on the internet, one thing I can say about her is she was born to act. But hey check her out google her name and find out what she's in and let me know what you think about her as an actress.

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