Friday 12 February 2021

Nicholas Sparks

    Nicholas Sparks is a known novelist, screenwriter, and producer. From what I have noticed a lot of the movies that he wrote and produced are very touching, sensitive, and heartwarming films. Most of his movies yes I won't like I have cried and they make me gasp for air. I haven't gotten around to reading any of the 46 books that he has written, but it is something that I most certainly have to look into. Out of the 13 movies he has done I have watched 10 of them, and each one made me cry. You can feel the passion and love in each character, you can feel the depth of the movie. Overall I feel that Nicholas Sparks is a great writer you can feel how he cares about the characters and the passion for the storyline. I can't wait to see what else he is capable of.

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