Saturday 14 March 2020

True Blood 2008 ‧ Horror ‧ 7 seasons (Ended)

Now, this is a series I could watch over and over again. I don't know what it is but the whole small backwoods town I love it. I love the whole diner thingy going on and when the vampires come out the coffin it just kinda makes me giggle and wish it was true. Werewolves, vampires, fairies oh and the skinwalkers and shapeshifters genius haha. The writers in this series knew how to bring it all to light and make it seem like it was actually possible for the fairyland things to actually exist and not in a cheesy corny kinda way. It's ironic that Sookie and Vampire Bill was actually married during this series... that's a did you know fact. But yes oh and Tara's mom priceless in this series shes also in so many other series after watching this show I started to see her mom everywhere shows and movies I didn't realize she was in before. she is an actress that definitely knows how to get into her role.

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