Tuesday 3 March 2020

Vampire Diaries 2009 ‧ Horror ‧ 8 seasons (Ended)

    Okay, I loved this show from the start to the abrupt finish. Elena, I didn't like how she was so emotional and she was always about her friends. okay, and let's be honest Elena us Captain save a hoe she is always needing to be saved and someone is always saving her let come on... I loved when Caroline became a vampire she became such a badass. Bonnie started to become very emotional near the end of the series. I will always love Damian he's charter is such a badass and I don't give a F*ck personality, I loved it, Stephan always cared too much. Oh, and let's talk about Jeremy why do you have to care so much., I get it your parents died and life is rough but Elena is going through the same crap do you see her lashing out or getting high NOOO what's your problem dude?? Matt, I understand that you're emotional about people changing but reacting the way you do not cool. Oh and don't get me started on Tyler what the hell werewolf really lol I knew he had anger problems but jeez to that level I love it,

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