Wednesday 14 October 2020

The Haunting of Hill House 2018 ‧ Horror ‧ 1 seasons ( Ended)

    Why oh Why does it always have to be a big creepy Red door? Mind you this house is very big and very nice, but yes yet again with a little bit too much creeps for me. Once again the adult is too caught up to really notice what is going on. I understand tragedy and all but come on you got kids, dude, you don't see that they are acting different and weird? you gotta pay attention to the kids, and the whole silhouette thing goosebumps. I much rather stick to a small house where I know what's going on at all times, this big stuff man seeing things jeeze its creepy. I would have gotten out of there a hella quick too. I don't know this show was good, and creepy. You have to be your own judge on this one, I liked it and all but I think it could have been better.

The Haunting of Bly Manor 2020 ‧ Drama ‧ 1 season (Ended)


    Yup Yup Yup this show gave me the creeps. Not only does it seem like there is something seriously wrong with these kids in it, the adults too. The uncle seems to care less about his niece and nephew, but yet they had some decent care in a big creepy ass house. Then the whole little girl thing why wouldn't the nanny just take the little shyt to the doctors or have the doctor come?? Hello wheres social services aka children's aid when you need them? Those kids were pretty much always alone but yet not alone. All the property and you can't ensure to keep tabs on the kids? Oh and don't get me started with the creepy looking dollhouse and how the little girl got upset when the nanny touched it come on RED FLAG just staying. I would have left those kids super fast, and that house for that matter like having the one wing of the house all covered up and no one is allowed in that area? Please... and what makes it even worse is the kids kinda know what is going on, a heads up would have been nice. But the nanny did do a solid that's for sure. Yea I would watch this again.

Truth or Dare 2017 Horror Thriller ( Movie)

    Oh man, this movie had me going. At first, I was hoping that Jessie would be first to go, but how she met her maker was sooo gross, I was itching all over lol. Personally, I think doctor dude aka Tyler, and Addison had the best ending it was at least quick. I felt bad for the chubby guy, he told his truth because he knew what was gunna happen to him. I could barely look at the screen when it came to Maddie and Alex they had hoped it was all done and over hahaha they were wrong. Oh yeah, and sports dude had it easy too I guess. Meh overall pretty intense, suspenseful and, decent horror thriller movie.

Charmed 2018 ‧ Drama ‧ 2 season ( Styll Going)

     I really liked the first season a lot, the second season was a little bit all over the place for me. I liked how the first season you got to know them to watch them begin to use their powers, but in season 2 they don't have powers which is kinda lame, considering this is a show about witches just saying. Then all the other mysterious creatures in season 2, okay I get the whole demons, but the other creatures wouldn't they have learned about them in season 1. I'm not really too sure how I feel about this show anymore, the second season just has me a little doubtful about continuing to watch this series.

Tuesday 13 October 2020

The Society 2019 ‧ Mystery ‧ 1 season (Ended)


    This show took me forever to finish. I mean I enjoyed most of it but it was really really slow. Campbell is a nut job clearly. Allie was doing a good job but Campbell had to screw everything up. Also, how are they gunna have just 1 season? Did they make it back home? Did a riot break out? They just cut the series like they are doing so many shows. Just so many questions left unanswered. Did Sam come out? Jeeze there's just to many questions we will leave it at that.

The Enemy Within 2019 ‧ Drama ‧ 1 season ( Ended)


    This show really peeked my attention that's for sure. It wasn't your typical cop show. I mean they were getting help from someone they arrested and charged with treason, but at the same time, I think any human would do what she did to protect her daughter. I liked how she was trying to tell and convince them the whole time that she was just looking for a way to show that it wasn't that she didn't care about her country she did it to protect her family. Keep in mind plus she is really smart so if she wanted to really run and escape I'm pretty sure she could have done that hands down no problem because she was apart of that FBI CIA life she knows things that let's just say Joe that robbed a bank next door doesn't know. I was really liking this show they could have come up with more seasons but they decided not to, wonder why? But yeah this show was good, intense, and full of suspense.

Defending Jacob 2020 ‧ Crime ‧ 1 season ( Ended)

     This 1 season show where to begin? First I felt like it started off really strong and intense, it had me questioning every step of the way, to the very end, then they just end it without answering questions. I mean come on we all at least think that Jacob may be guilty but who the hell knows? I understand grandpa "tried" helping but then it brings up the question of who really did it. It was confusing the way damn time. Also mommy "what do I tell him?" b*tch you tell him that you just tried to kill both your asses, she's talking about she doesn't remember whatever woman, you're convinced your son is guilty. This whole show was just a trip of questions with no answers then blop you end it. SMFH is this where show biz is taking us with a great show with no follow-through ending? I mean we watch stuff so we don't leave things to the imagination but that's all you do to us now. I just wished that they could have cleared things up a little more for us, just saying...

Proven Innocent 2019 ‧ Legal drama ‧ 1 season ( Ended)


    I was really getting into this show before they just ended it. I liked how passionate this group of 4 are. The justice system does have a lot of errors and I like how this show can inspire people to fight for those that are assumed guilty because of their lifestyle or because the system doesn't actually put in the time or work to find the truth. A lot of innocent people do fall through the cracks in the justice system and what better way to help those than someone that went through it themselves. For 10 years she was innocent and sat behind bars before someone actually listened to her, she got out and is trying to make a difference for others. I'm just disappointed that they ended such an inspiring TV series. I was really beginning to enjoy the cases that they were taking on, I like the fact that her small firm had a PODcast so that people could tune in and find out about cases she was working on. Just sad they decided to only do 1 season.

Hubie Halloween 2020 ‧ 1h 42m Comedy ( Movie)


    This movie was so stupid it was a slight disappointment. I mean yeah Adam Sandler makes a lot of stupid movies but at least they are usually funny. This one had a couple of funny parts but it just seemed to me like he was trying way too hard. I think that the storyline was alright I guess but personally, I think that they could have put a lot more effort and thought into the storyline or at least made some actually good jokes, instead of whatever the hell you wanna call what the "jokes" were. I mean I'm not an expert or anything but Adam Sandler's previous movies are a lot better than what this one was. To be honest save the 1H 42M of your life and find something else to watch.

Get Even 2020 ‧ Thriller ‧ 1 season (Styll Going)

     I actually found this show to be pretty entertaining. I mean it's a total high school show, interesting in the aspect of rich kids and drama. I felt like it was the person that got charged at the end of season 1 just for the fact that every nerdy bullied kid has that one friend that will stand up for them, his just so happened to take things a little further than he should have. Olivia should not be friends with Amber, mean come on she's supposed to be your best friend and she throws in your face everything kind she has done for her, not only did she say it she said it in front of half the school. I think my favourite character is probably Bree and Margot, I like Bree for her simple meh whatever behaviour, Margot I like the fact that she's not only really smart she likes to be alone she doesn't beg to fit in I like that about both those girls. Kitty, she's the sporty one, wow this show is like a show version of spice girls hahaha. Overall I did indeed enjoy it, can't wait to see what happens in season 2.

Thursday 24 September 2020

Orange Is The New Black 2013 ‧ Drama ‧ 6 seasons (Ended)

    What to say, Orange is the new black started off extremely strong. It was comical, light-hearted, and full of enthusiasm. The last season I felt that they didn't much as much effort into it, I mean I don't write scripts, act, or direct but I felt like they were looking for a way to just finish the series. I liked each of the characters in the show, loved crazy eyes she was priceless. They showed the discrimination that people go through in jail. They showed a lot of factors women that have children, women with mental health, women from all walks of life, I liked how they showed how each ended up in jail, to begin with so it gave it a bit of background to show how they ended up where they are and who they became. Overall it was a decent show with a lot of humour.

Upload 2020 ‧ Satire ‧ 1 season ( Styll Going)


    This series is literally one of a kind. The writers had such imagination when writing this whole world for the dead but not dead, each character had its exceptional personality. OMG and over-possessive girlfriend haha, too much to handle. The entire script alone is just funny alongside the concept of the situation of lives, who knows maybe it will happen one day in the far further. lol. Well, season 2 of upload just know I will be waiting for you to come out.

Friday 12 June 2020

Tag 2018 ‧ Comedy ‧ 1h 45m ( Movie)

    I thought this movie was priceless. I found it so great that these guys played tagged for that long, not only that the fact that it was based on a true story was beyond great! weddings births the whole of it was so cute. It shows that people do what they need to do to stay young and I understand that everyone wants to stay and feel young. Oh and what was great was the fact they couldn't catch the one guy so funny they put so much thought and effort into it so great. Overall this movie is a must-see!

Monday 1 June 2020

The Twilight Saga: Eclipse 2010 ‧ Fantasy/Romance ‧ 2h 11m ( Movie)

    Okay, quick question peeps... what would you rather be? A Vampire? or a Werewolf? That's just for starters. now let's get into this movie. We all seen it coming to Victoria wasn't going to let go hello you killed her mate Edward shes coming for Bella hello. lol  Riley was a little gullible idiot so yeah he deserved to die. but what Edward did to Jacob was cold. oh the tent situation priceless, "well I am hotter than you" lol. who do you guys think is sexier Edward or Jacob?

The Twilight Saga: New Moon 2009 ‧ Romance/Fantasy ‧ 2h 18m ( Movie)

    Okay who is with me on Jacob is getting so much sexier????? yeah, he is lol. I think it was messed up that Edward just left Bella after she got hurt at her birthday party at his house. But really your how old Bella how are you that heartbroken?? screaming in the middle of the night and stuff and not eating and just sitting there and starring into nothing? Then she becomes an adrenaline junkie, smfh. Come on now this is supposed to be high school. Anyways and in the end when she goes to save Edward Wtf how she was freaking when she thought he was going to die holy crap. I have nothing more to say if love like that really exists wheres it at?

Twilight 2008 ‧ Romance/Fantasy ‧ 2h 6m ( Movie)

    I think this movie is really cute. But I can't figure out how Bella could fall in love so quickly and so fast with Edward. Oh and James is like super crazy, wouldn't Victoria be slightly jealous of how intense he wanted to catch Bella... Just saying I found that a little weird. One of my favourite characters is Alice, I'm not gonna lie I like her shes bubbly and happy. Oh and I also LOVE Charlie, I hated what Bella had to say to him to let her leave, that was like holy crap that's some cold-ass stuff. I giggled when Bella and Edward showed up to school for the first time together, that was cute and everyone was starring. Overall this was a good start to the series.

Friday 29 May 2020

Sons of Anarchy 2008 ‧ Drama ‧ 7 seasons (Ended)

    I will forever love this show. I'm not too happy about all the racist comments and talks but then again it is I understand bikers. This show expresses so much passion, heart, willingness to survive and most definitely fight or flight. It shows that a crew looks at one another as a family and that they are willing to do anything to save each other and protect each other. But it is all so messed up that lifestyle that constant looking over your shoulder wondering if you are going to jail or not. I love how Jax handles everything in the end overall this is one of my favourite shows.

Tuesday 26 May 2020

The Lovebirds 2020 ‧ Comedy/Romance ‧ 1h 27m ( Movie)

    This movie was so funny. It was so random but then again what made it so much funnier was the fact that they had no idea what was going on but they kept going just cause they were curious, it was a very cute funny movie

Sunday 24 May 2020

Instant Family 2018 ‧ Comedy/Drama ‧ 2 hours ( Movie)

    This is such a sweet, funny, and warm hearting movie. I loved the characters and how they treat each other.  I love how the kids give them such a hard time and they slowing grow on them and begin to change. This is a great family movie to watch.

Shot Caller 2017 ‧ Crime/Thriller ‧ 2h 1m ( Movie)

    Shot Caller was actually slightly more interesting then I thought it would be. It had a good storyline and a lot of it made sense. It also had a great cast. Money took a hit to save more than just himself.

Saturday 23 May 2020

The Lovebirds 2020 ‧ Comedy/Romance ‧ 1h 26m

This movie was such a cute funny movie, it was cute for the fact that this couple was completely clueless about what was going on around them and they just get kept getting themself deeper in a mess. This is a must-see movie if you just wanna laugh. Half the time no one had no idea what they were talking about so it was stupid kinda funny. I personally liked this movie alot.

The Wrong Nanny 2017 ‧ Suspense ( Movie)

    That's it I need to officially take a break from watching anything with wrong in the title. Each movie with the "wrong" in it has some sort of psycho narcissistic bad shyt crazy person. This little girl went out of her way to find her birth mom to turn and lie to her about everything then when told her the truth what did you expect your bio mom to do? you prove you couldn't be trusted then you go call Hannibal crazy smh. Then you end up in a psych ward where they want you to get the help but your not making the effort f*cking crazy b*tch

Friday 22 May 2020

White Chicks 2004 ‧ Comedy/Crime ‧ 1h 55m ( Movie)

    This movie it doesn't matter how many times I watch it, it always makes me laugh the whole thing is a stupid kind of funny. and it's priceless. Kevin's wife is so extra and chasing him around and calling for back up and all this stuff to find out it's him and his partner so funny. Terry Crew played his role so funny and was passionate about once you go black you need a wheelchair lol. There is so many little jokes in this movie that will always make me laugh.

She's Out Of My League 2010 ‧ Romance/Rom-com ‧ 1h 44m ( Movie)

    This movie was so funny, you always have the dorkiest group of guys trying to give dating advice to each other and all of their datings lives sucks. But when the one lucky one finds that perfect chick he starts to doubt himself thanks to his friend's none then less right lol. But by the end, he grew a pair and fought for what he wanted and he won. Great movie.

The Wrong Friend 2018 ‧ 1h 30m ( Movie)

    This movie was somewhat intense. I just thought it was crazy for such a little dude to be such a crazy motherf*cker. He was a sociopath and psychopath all in one and his parents didn't see it? But then again his parents were never around. People like him only grow up to be more dangerous thanks to Riley she put him down quick time.

Hooking Up 2020 ‧ Drama/Comedy ‧ 1h 28m ( Movie)

    This movie is cute and funny, random af but it was nice just to giggle and laugh for a little bit. They both used each other and they ended up caring about each other without knowing it to the end of it. I'm glad that they were able to help each other out, and end up in love.

The Half Of It 2020 ‧ 1h 44m Comedy ( Movie)

    Yes another recommendation from my beautiful daughter. This movie was so sweet but yet heartbreaking at the same time. She helped him get the girl that he felt was the girl of his dreams but then he realized it wasn't her that he wanted, but what made it worse was chu was in love with the girl and the girl she thought she loved was him to all the truths came out. This was a really sad triangle but hey sometimes when you spend so much time with someone you end up developing feelings you thought that you could possibly never thought you could have. So was it friendships that were formed or ended? or was it all just a big learning experience? This was a good movie overall. It was on the slow side though I can say that much for sure.

Thursday 21 May 2020

Shaun Of The Dead 2004 ‧ Comedy/Horror ‧ 1h 40m ( Movie)

    This movie is similar to one of the zombie-like movies, but on a different note it is so much funnier. Everything is so overdramatic. I love when Shaun first wakes up and he walks to the store and doesn't notice anything going on around him, then he's sitting in front of the tv.  Ed " There's a girl in the garden". Lmao That was funny, oh wow "she's really drunk" This is overall funny horror comedy for sure.

Wednesday 15 April 2020

Saw 2004 ‧ Horror/Thriller ‧ 1h 43m ( Movie)

    Lol, I'm a huge fan of Horror movies. I wasn't always a fan but then a friend of mine showed me a horror movie one day and yes I can say I held on tight and screamed yelled and jumped the whole time. I started to sweat in places I didn't know I could. after that I started to watch all types of horror movies. this one was one of the first, I couldn't believe this guy cut off his own foot! Fight or flight right haha I shouldn't laugh but it's the truth I learned to love movies like this because of my friend it made me think of situations and what I would do, I would have cut my foot off too in order to survive.

Flipped 2010 ‧ Romance/Rom-com ‧ 1h 30m ( Movie)

    This movie is such a cute movie. If you didn't believe in childhood love this would be such a great movie to watch. Sometimes your childhood crush becomes the love of your life or your biggest loss. We all know that girls develop faster than boys but the way that this movie shows it is so cute, sad, and heartbreaking but yet the joy in it is crazy!

Guns Akimbo 2019 ‧ Action/Comedy ‧ 1h 35m ( Movie)

    Lmao this movie at first I kind of thought it was like Gamer but then again I realize it was completely different. This little hacker got stuck in a jam that he could not get himself out of which was really funny. I love it. This guy had guns drilled into his hands and hand no choice but to try to survive which I know shouldn't seem funny but his cyberbullying got him into that situation, lol. This was a pretty entertaining movie overall but how it ended was a little stupid but it was a good movie.

Money Heist 2017 ‧ Drama ‧ 2 seasons

    This series is epic. The way that the professor is so smart and knows how to control and see 5 to 10 steps ahead is amazing I'm absolutely loving it. The way that the writers had a sense of control and created each character was completely inspiring due to the fact with a crew of that many they will have different personality traits and traits. This was really well thought out and I can't wait to find out the outcome of what happens next, I also love how the directors and writers left each season with a teaser where they left us hanging on so we are wanting to watch more just to see what happens next. This show I will for sure keep following upon.

Impulse 2018 ‧ Drama ‧ 1 season

    This show was off the hook!!! I loved it I'm hoping for more season this show was like bad hero's that didn't know they were heroes yet. It was like she was learning her powers but she really was and no one really knew what to do. Not even her she was scared and she had no idea what her body was doing and I feel that would be like any one of us.

Tuesday 14 April 2020

The Hate You Give 2018 ‧ Drama/Crime ‧ 2h 13m ( Movie)

    Where to start with this one... Well for starters then my daughter suggested that I watch this movie, I was surprised, to be honest, that she watched it and told me to watch it. This movie had a very deep meaning to it. I enjoyed it, Starr fought for her friend that couldn't fight for himself. She stood strong when she stood up and told the truth about what happened. It's really a hurtful, sad and disappointing thing that racism styll exists. It's 2020 the world around us has changed so much from the past I just don't understand why people can't leave things in the past or raise our children without discrimination, racism, prejudice just simply without judgment. As my daughter once said everyone has blood, bones, and breath like us they just might live differently, but they are styll people too. This movie was a great movie if you want to sit and think for a while.

Thursday 9 April 2020

In The Tall Grass 2019 ‧ Horror/Drama ‧ 1h 30m ( Movie)

    This movie is BIZARRE! This movie was all over the place it barely made sense, well at least to me. I'm not sure if any of you have seen this movie and if it made sense to you please further explain it please, because it didn't make sense to me. I was completely lost and upset because I couldn't understand it, what made it worse was the fact that they were arguing about things that they shouldn't be arguing about at that moment in time. The whole he's "in love" with his sister thing gross! Overall I think this movie was overrated, there was to much hype on Netflix over a movie that had no purpose or sense to it. But then again that is just my personal opinion. I would love to hear what you think.

Wednesday 8 April 2020

The Purge 2013 ‧ Horror/Thriller ‧ 1h 25m ( Movie)

    The Purge is a film series, I really enjoyed the 2013 Purge film. I liked the suspense, I like the fact that the little boy was an idiot who put his entire life in danger for a stranger. Understanding what happens once a year you would want to stay safe and keep your family safe. Oh and don't get me started with the daughter she keeps running off because she can't get her emotions in check in such a high-stress situation, but she did pull a badass move at the end. Overall I really enjoyed this movie.

Monday 6 April 2020

Meet The Millers 2013 ‧ Comedy/Crime ‧ 1h 58m ( Movie)

    This movie was awesome! It was completely full of humor twists and turns. The writers of this film had a vision and filled it to the fullest. The creation of the fake family the humor of the fact that none of them really liked each other but then they all actually loved each other was so priceless. This movie was well filmed and well thought of, I enjoyed this movie for sure.

Life Of The Party 2018 ‧ Comedy ‧ 1h 47m ( Movie)

    Okay, this film hm. I'm a huge Melissa McCarthy fan but this movie I feel like she didn't live up to what she normally does. Her movies are always so funny full of everything to the fullest extent but this one I lost interest, I was bored it wasn't her normal. Ask me about most of her stuff and I can fill you in, I first fell in love with her from Gilmore Girls, but this movie just didn't do it for me. I feel that the writers and everyone just tried too hard. It could have been better but it just wasn't.

Monday 23 March 2020

The 100 2014 ‧ Drama ‧ 7 seasons ( Ended)

    This show I loved for the first few seasons I'm not too sure what happened, but when they ended up on a different planet my whole opinion changed. I like the fact that they were fighting so hard to stay on earth but then hey ended up elsewhere threw me off, just saying. Clark is very protective, her mom is yes let's call it what it is a junkie. Bellemy is so concerned about a loss cause his sister sorry Octavia but you are, I'm sure your intentions are pure but really you not strong enough. Raven, what the F*ck is wrong with you? You're a leader but you're letting your insecurities lead you, your strong you can lead but stop being a coward at lead them to where they need to be. I'm so sad that Monty and Harper died yeah it was sad but they did leave their son come on people include him he's one of you, just saying. I don't know this show gets my emotions going I love and hate a lot of the characters but that's just what it is.

Okay, this series is officially over, and all I can say was the last season did not to this show any justice!!! I'm extremely disappointed that A. they ended the series B. if your gonna end it at least put a little more heart, effort, and thought into the last season which people will remember just saying. I spent how many hours watching this series loving characters, watching them grow, and all the shyt for you to give it a Bullshyt ending??? WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH THE WRITERS? First off what you do to Bellamy? or how you did Raven Wrong? or making Clark look like a LOONIE TOON! Then the very very ending where's Maddie?? Like, come on... so so much heartbreak and disappointment in the last season. I truly did fall in love with this show....

Saturday 21 March 2020

27 Dresses 2008 ‧ Romance/Comedy ‧ 1h 51m (Movie)

    This movie was very entertaining. For one person to always be a bridesmaid and never a bride I found very funny, she was always helping others with her big day but yet she wasn't dating or had special someone in her life, and how she was so in love with her boss but yet he didn't pay any attention oh and how he fell in love with her sister very funny. But, in the end, I think she found her perfect match.

Thursday 19 March 2020

The Boy in the Striped Pajamas 2008 ‧ Adaptation/Drama ‧ 1h 34m ( Movie)

Haha, funny story about this movie...
So I called my mother one day and she told me she had watched an amazing must-see movie, so naturally, I was like oh yeah can I please borrow it, she then said no problem come by and pick it up. So kid-free I got all cozy in my PJs and made some nicely buttered popcorn and got into the mood to hopefully a great epic movie. I must say it was epic and it was great... if you want to have a good damn cry! Oh I called my mom once the movie was over and yes snot and tears all over my face yelled at her and asked her what kind of movie did she just make me watch, her response was with laughter and said did you like it. Oh boy, I was pissed but I'm glad I did watch it the level of deceit on my mom's part in order for me to watch it I gotta love that lady Love you mom. but yea that movie was intense and extremely sad but overall it was good.

House 2004 ‧ Comedy ‧ 8 seasons (Ended)

    This show was full of humor and knowledge.  Gregory House was a genius but yet very bitter and cynical which made it that more interesting. people always lie was his motto, which is broader like true. patients due lie they won't always tell you the truth because they always have something to hide which is actually human nature, they call it self preservation haha ironic right. Every person wants to stay well in tack even if that means hiding the truth about themself. In this show House calls it out and yes makes people feel awkward about it and uncomfortable but he is talking facts.

Walking Dead 2010 ‧ Horror ‧ 10 seasons ( Styll Going)

    When it comes to this show lets just start with I refused to watch it, I had no idea what the hype was about watching a bunch of zombies. But I seen on Netflix was fear of the walking dead so I was like okay let's just watch it, it's not the walking dead lol. But to my surprise I realized that the two shows were sister shows which ended up making me want to watch the walking dead, yes I did yell, scream and cry while watching the walking dead. This show gets you so attached to the characters like it was a real-life thing, you build attachments where you think that they are actually your friend. I fell in love with Carl now that he's gone I fell in love with Judith but that's what I'm saying you get attached whether you want to or not but the characters seem so real it's crazy. this show I don't know what I will do when it ends. I love Michonne the King, Carol oh the love of my life Daryl. Daryl is such a badass he would do anything to protect those he loves, most of the time yea he seems like a dick but he loves and when he does he loves hard.

Barely Lethal 2015 ‧ Action/Adventure ‧ 1h 38m (Movie)

    Yes, I know this is a bit of a family movie, but yet I did enjoy it. It was interesting about the whole fact that you have kid spies that know how to fight and defend their country. Yah I enjoyed it and how she tried to blend in but really she couldn't that's what made it funny but she just wanted a sense of belonging which teenage girl doesn't? but she did put in the effort I will give her that. overall this movie was cute and it was entertaining.

Life of the Party 2018 ‧ Comedy ‧ 1h 47m (Movie)

    Honestly, I thought this movie would have been funnier, due to the fact that Melissa Macarthy always makes really entertaining and funny films this, this movie didn't do it for me. just saying I felt like they were trying too hard but even then it didn't end up funny like her previous films. yeah sure I get it you husband dumped you and your looking for a new life I understand but at the same time to end up at school with your kid, then you're screwing a kid that's pretty much your kids age not cute your funny that's just more like you need to end up on a psych ward just stating the obvious. I don't know maybe someone else would find the humor in it but not me just overreaching for me, trust me I've seen a lot of her movies that had me laughing this one I just found not that appealing

Wednesday 18 March 2020

Colombiana 2011 ‧ Drama/Crime ‧ 1h 52m (Movie)

    This movie was full of action, revenge, and justice. I liked how she knew exactly how to deal with every situation just to avenge her parent's death. As a little kid and to see and know who killed your parents' yea I understand people may think that it's petty and that she should have learned more about life, but when you have your whole world ripped from you wouldn't you want revenge? I know I would, I would want to make sure that the person pays even if the law is trying to build a case, but the law sometimes takes years she did what she needed to do and to be honest I rate that. her childhood was ripped her life was gone as she knew it for someone that just wanted money so she made them pay, and they all brought it on themself. people do say that sometimes money is the root of all evil and this movie shows that. She didn't want to hurt any and everyone she just wanted to hurt the ones that hurt her family.

St. Agatha 2018 ‧ Thriller/Horror ‧ 1h 42m (Movie)

    Let's just say when a movie is dark and twisted you could most certainly think of this one. The things that happen to these young pregnant ladies are so dark and they keep trying to get help but it doesn't come and all worse you turn to the church and think that the woman that is helping you are nuns and find out later haha that they were shunned from the church jeez some dark thoughts came into making this movie I don't know what the church did to the writers of this film but they need some serious therapy for real. overall it was a pretty intense but yet good movie I can't even lie, I even had nightmares and woke up thinking about it it was literally embedded into my mind.

Hunger Games 2012 ‧ Fantasy/Sci-fi ‧ 2h 22m (Movie)

May the odds ever be in your favour...
This movie really made me wonder if this would actually become a reality. The whole 12 sections and reaping. I mean really who knows what the world you end up, considering we keep destroying it with tech and all the above. I mean global warming is real and all the damage that we as humans cause, but living in a real-life game like the hunger games is completely surreal, having to fight you way out in order to live that would suck. They don't have much training and having no choice jeez that's a hard choice for real. What upsets me is how she has to pretend to love Peta but she doesn't but it was the only way for her and him to survive. How Katniss takes her sisters place yes yes I did cry I won't lie I thought that was so special just because she didn't want her sister to die, her sister would most definitely look at her as her hero for real!

The Originals 2013 ‧ Horror ‧ 5 seasons (Ended)

    The Originals hmm what to say? This series is a sequence to Vampire Diaries. I just love the whole first vampire thing, and the half brother that's a hi-breed. This show has a little bit of mystery, action, love, and crime I just get a thrill every time I watch it. It's more intense than Vampire Diaries that's for sure I can say that with no hesitation. I like how it gives you bits and pieces of the back history of where they came from. Oh even more interesting is that Klaus yes the supervillain in every version of this show has a kid, it leaves you wondering what will the kid end up as... vampire, witch, werewolf... spoiler shes ends up all three you have to watch legacies which yes I am currently watching. But I must say that is the ultimate power to be all three, mind you, she has yet triggered her vampire power yet due to the fact she kinda has to die, but this show is intense. also how Klaus made marcel like to watch someone that you turned grow and learn their strength but yet he turned to become a better person that would piss anyone off just saying

Tuesday 17 March 2020

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Grey's Anatomy Grey's Anatomy 2005 ‧ Romance ‧ 15 seasons ( Styll Going)

    This show is so real, it shows you the high and lows of real life. I like the fact that you see actors and actresses that you have seen in many other shows and movies, but the reality of what doctors go through in their day and day life plus having to put it all aside to deal with patients is on a whole different level of surreal. I understand that Meredith has to deal with real and actual possibilities of having a whole different family which could actually get in the way of how she deals with medicine but she always puts medicine first. How Bailey and Webber have families that never see them that would create problems in the home factor but when they enter the hospital its a different situation. Even styll how they all see people that they know and love to end up in the hospital they don't let that break them they end up working overtime just to save their lives which most workplaces would consider that as a conflict of interest but in this show it shows you how much more it motivates them to strive for the best, I'm not sure if that's how it works in real life but the beauty in that is so ironic.

Saturday 14 March 2020

Panic Room 2002 ‧ Drama/Thriller ‧ 1h 53m (Movie)

    Well well well, what could I possibly say about this movie? It pretty much speaks for itself. I wish every home had a panic room they really do come in handy, if someone was to break in you have somewhere to hide. This little girl is smart in this movie, she is very aware of whats going on around her. As most of you probably know its the same girl from the Twilight saga series Kirsten Stewart wow she grew up a lot in just a few short years. Jodie Foster is a great actress, I like it when she plays the mother roles in her movies, she's very convinced that the child is hers, or at least she knows how to put a hell of a show on.